Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Toxin Fighting Foods For Clear Skin

The food we put inside, shows up outside if it’s not doing any good.

And now with the change of season, our bodies need to adjust.

Here’s a list of toxin fighting foods that will help with clear skin -

1 – tomatoes – rich in Vitamins A & C, nutrients and antioxidants

2 – beets – detoxifies and supports the liver

3 – lemons – helps balance body’s acidity and clears skin

4 – avocado – rich in Vitamin E and great for skin health

5 – fennel – supports digestion and intestinal health

6 – berries – full of antioxidants promoting healthy skin and reducing body stress

7 – sweet potato – contains beta-carotene for intestinal, skin and menstrual cycle


Monday, September 29, 2014

Fall Time Chai

Fall is here!

As the weather changes, our bodies change, the intake of our foods change, our moods change – we are forever changing!

Chai, known as tea in India, is a great way to strengthen the immune system and fight against colds, coughs and allergies especially with certain spices.

Here’s a great chai recipe -

- water

- 2 cloves

- 1 cinnamon stick

- a bit of grated ginger

- pinch of nutmeg

- grinded cardamom

- organic sugar

- some milk

It’s best when the milk is cooked along with the spices and tea.  This will allow the milk to be more digestible.

Give it a try!



Test Post from AYURVEDA FOR LIFE http://seemasahani.com

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Abhyanga Ayurvedic Daily Massage-Be Your Own Massage Therapist

Massage is really important as it opens all the channels of the body – making it clear and free from toxins.

Here’s a great read from Maharishi Ayurveda -

If getting on a massage table once a week is out of the question, you can practice the art of abhyanga, Ayurveda’s daily oil massage, on your own. It’s just a matter of taking however many minutes you can spare- from two to 20- to give your skin some love. It’s a powerful tool before or after a shower and has healing qualities. This gentle massage will increase circulation, loosen toxins, and stimulate nerve endings resulting in a sense of calm you can carry with you. Follow these how-to instructions the first time, and soon you’ll be a pro.

Place a small amount of Rejuvenation Massage Oil for Women or Rejuvenation Massage Oil for Men, from the Maharishi Ayurveda Products in the palm of your hand for each point listed below. Massage in a circular direction over joints and in a back-and-forth motion over long bones.

-Massage the face and outer part of the ears.

-Massage both the front and back of the neck and the upper part of the spine.

-Massage the arms, using a back-and-forth motion over the long bones and circular motion over the joints.

-Use a circular motion to massage over the heart and a clockwise motion over the abdomen.

-Massage the legs, using the same long motion over the leg bones and a circular motion over the joints.

-Last but not least, massage the feet. Use the open part of your hand to massage vigorously back-and-forth over the soles.

Rejuvenation Massage Oil for Women and Rejuvenation Massage Oil for Men is a precise blend of ayurvedic herbs and pure essential oils that penetrate quickly into the skin. A good time to do the above massage is right after showering. Using small amounts will help you avoid feeling too oily. After abhyanga you can use a natural bristle body brush with a vigorous motion upward toward your heart on the front and back of your feet, legs, arms, back and tummy. This is really easy and takes less than 5 minutes in the morning. It can be done before going to bed as well. A good time to do the above massage is either before or after showering.


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Weight Loss Starts In The Kitchen

Read this article and wanted to share.  What do you think?

10 changes in how you arrange and do up your kitchen and see how you end up loosing extra kilos.

While eating healthier is on the to-do list for many, our kitchen can make it harder to eat healthy, and easier to fill ourselves with snacks and junk food. But there are ways to make the home more conducive to better eating. Planning meals in advance can go a long way, but it is also important to plan how the foods you buy go into your kitchen.

Making good food easier to see and access and making unhealthy foods harder is the trick to a healthier eating environment. Here’s how you can rearrange your kitchen to encourage healthy eating habits.

Clear your counters -

Easily visible food provides a constant reminder of its availability, and is likely to be eaten first. So make sure snack foods don’t have a prominent place. The last thing you want is a clear cookie jar on the counter.

Buy a fruit bowl -

It’s important to make sure the visible fruits and vegetables are ones that are easy to eat and don’t invite flies to sit on them. Store apples, oranges, bananas and as opposed to grapes, pineapples and mangoes.

Invest in single-serving containers -

When stashing away leftovers, it is best to put them away in meal-size portions, whether for future lunches or dinners. At times, calorie-dense dinner leftovers might make for a more appealing snack than baby carrots, but you may be less likely to dig in if you know it will leave you hungry at lunch the next day. Choosing freezersafe containers will give you even more storage options.

Get see-through jars -

Follow the school lunch programme recommendations, which limit calorie-dense foods like complex starches, fats and proteins but make fruits and vegetables completely available in whatever quantity people want. Some fruits and vegetables need advance prep and cutting, but once they go into the refrigerator, they should be in clear containers, to remind you of what to grab when you are hungry between meals.

Use your freezer more -

If you don’t have a definite plan for your leftovers, then avoid tossing them in the refrigerator. A freezer allows you to put away food for future use rather than snacking down on leftover chicken or lasagna instead of eating an apple. It also allows for better meal planning.

Put healthy eats at eye level -

Depending on the type of refrigerator you have, you may benefit from some rearranging.

Some refrigerators with a freezer on the bottom have clear vegetable bins at eye level. But if you have a refrigerator where the freezer is at the top, and the vegetable bin is at your knees, then there’s a good reason not to keep your veggies in the drawer. Opaque bins keep your healthiest — and more perishable — foods hidden. So if you have them, don’t put fruits and veggie in the crisper, instead, put them higher up, in a visible spot.

Prepare fruits and other snacks in advance -

As much as you avoid it, some snacking is bound to happen. So it is worth buying the products that are in little, single packages. It’s much easier then to know exactly what you’re eating.”

But for the frugal, those small packages represent an extra expense, so pick up some small bags and doling out portions of snacks that are healthier, such as pretzels.

Some similar prep work can help with snacking before dinner. In addition, have on hand healthier snacks, such as yogurt and cheese, that are already parcelled out.

Add non-food accessories to your kitchen -

Food prepared at home is almost inevitably healthier than takeout, so it’s important that cooking at home is an enjoyable experience.

Keeping kitchen counters free of books, bags and papers so that they can be used to prepare food is a start. Some even keep a television in their cooking space, but you should ensure that it should be kept at a spot when you can’t watch from the table.

Eat only in the kitchen -

When people eat anywhere in the house, other activities they do while eating will often trigger a signal in the brain to start eating.

Many people eat while watching TV, or just start snacking. Confining all eating to the kitchen can put a dent in that, she said.

Get smaller plates and taller, narrower glasses

A recent research suggested how we decide what to eat and how to eat depends on the plate and portion size.

Larger plates lead to eating larger portions — people tend to finish what they put on their plate.

Dish size is a potential aid for people looking to get new dishes, or willing to replace old ones. Have smaller plates. That advice can carry over to glasses, given the number of calories some beverages contain. You’ll drink less from a tall glass than a glass that is wider. It also gives the illusion of having more.


Monday, August 25, 2014

Did You Know - About Ginger

Did you know that ginger helps to relive dizziness and nausea?

You can also use ginger in the form of supplements.

Ginger tea is also effective – add half inch piece of ginger root to boiling water and drink.

Chewing on ginger candy or having some ginger ale is also helpful in treating dizziness.

Next time you feel a little dizzy, try ginger!


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