Monday, August 25, 2014

Did You Know - About Ginger

Did you know that ginger helps to relive dizziness and nausea?

You can also use ginger in the form of supplements.

Ginger tea is also effective – add half inch piece of ginger root to boiling water and drink.

Chewing on ginger candy or having some ginger ale is also helpful in treating dizziness.

Next time you feel a little dizzy, try ginger!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Benefits Of Walking


The human body is made to walk.

Walking 30 minutes a day cuts the rate of people becoming diabetic by more than half and it cuts the risk of people over 60 becoming diabetic by almost 70 percent.

Walking cuts the risk of stroke by more than 25 percent.

Walking reduces hypertension.  The body has over 100,000 miles of blood vessels.  Those blood vessels are more supple and healthier when we walk.

Walking cuts the risk of cancer as well as diabetes and stroke.

Women who walk have a 20 percent lower likelihood of getting breast cancer and a 31 percent lower risk of getting colon cancer.

Women with breast cancer who walk regularly can reduce their recurrence rate and their mortality rate by over 50 percent.

The human body works better when we walk.  The body resists diseases better when we walk, and the body heals faster when we walk.

We don’t have to walk a lot.  Thirty minutes a day has a huge impact on our health.

Men who walk thirty minutes a day have a significantly lower level of prostate cancer.  Men who walk regularly have a 60 percent lower risk of colon cancer.

For men with prostate cancer, studies have shown that walkers have a 46 percent lower mortality rate.

Walking also helps prevent depression, and people who walk regularly are more likely to see improvements in their depression.

In one study, people who walked and took medication scored twice as well in 30 days as the women who only took the medication. Another study showed that depressed people who walked regularly had a significantly higher level of not being depressed in a year compared to depressed people who did not walk.  The body generates endorphins when we walk. Endorphins help us feel good.

Walking strengthens the heart.  Walking strengthens bones.

Walking improves the circulatory system.

Walking generates positive neurochemicals.  Healthy eating is important but dieting can trigger negative neurochemicals and can be hard to do.

Walking generates positive neurochemicals.  People look forward to walking and enjoy walking.

And research shows that fit beats fat for many people.  Walking half an hour a day has health benefits that exceed the benefits of losing 20 pounds.

When we walk every day, our bodies are healthier and stronger.  A single 30 minute walk can reduce blood pressure by five points for over 20 hours.

Walking reduces the risk of blood clots in your legs.

People who walk regularly have much lower risk of deep vein thrombosis.

People who walk are less likely to catch colds, and when people get colds, walkers have a 46 percent shorter symptom time from their colds.

Walking improves the health of our blood, as well.  Walking is a good boost of high density cholesterol and people with high levels of HDL are less likely to have heart attacks and stroke.

Walking significantly diminishes the risk of hip fracture and the need for gallstone surgery is 20 to 31 percent lower for walkers.

Walking is the right thing to do. The best news is that the 30 minutes doesn’t have to be done in one lump of time. Two 15 minute walks achieve the same goals. Three 10 minute walks achieve most of those goals.

We can walk 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at night and achieve our walking goals.

Walking feels good.  It helps the body heal.  It keeps the body healthy.  It improves our biological health, our physical health, our psychosocial health, and helps with our emotional health. Walking can literally add years entire years to your life.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Say No To Cold

Adding ice to drinks, especially in the summer time is okay, right?  Well, no it is not!

Ice old beverages basically extinguish the digestive fire – the fire that is needed to digest that ice cold beverage you just had, along with the meal.

Something like ice cold milk, juice, or even water puts out the fire.

Cold drinks and foods mixed with warm cooked foods can cause stomach cramps, bloating and discomfort in the stomach area.

So say no to cold!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Summertime Smoothie

Here’s a great Maharishi Ayurvedic summer time smoothie recipe -

Melon, mint and cucumber smoothie -

  • 2 cups chopped honeydew

  • 12 fresh mint leaves

  • 1 teaspoon honey

  • 1 cup chopped cucumber

  • 2-4 tablespoons fresh lime juice, to taste
Puree ingredients in a blender until smooth and enjoy!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Deadly Truth About Microwave Oven

There is a harmful cooking device found in 90% of the kitchens across the United States and other parts of the world. People are using this device in order to cook, defrost, or reheat their food each day. The microwave oven sitting on the counter in so many homes may be posing dangerous risks to people’s health.

The original microwave was invented by the Nazis during World War II as a portable cooking device for their troops. This enabled them to prepare meals using one piece of equipment on a large scale for their troops with convenience and without the hassle of transporting cooking fuels and extraneous equipment.

After the war, it was researched by American scientists and then went on the market for home use in the 1970s. The microwave was also researched by the Russians who decided to take opposite action regarding it. In fact, after conducting independent research on the microwave, the Russian government made the use of it illegal.

The Russian scientists who tested the microwaves concluded that they destroy the nutrients of food cooked in them and the resulting food becomes carcinogenic. Carcinogens have been found to potentially cause cancer.

What is So Bad About Microwave?

The FDA has tested and only allows microwaves on the market that are estimated to have safe levels of radiation, but there is still potential for a microwave to cause radiation to leak into the homes of those who use them. The problem with radiation in homes is a disconcerting factor, but the degradation of the food people are cooking in microwaves is of even greater concern.

Microwaves are electromagnetic energy waves that transmit information to basic communication systems such as television signals, satellite signals, and telephone signals across the planet. These types of electromagnetic energy waves are used in that black box that is referred to, as the name implies, as a microwave. A tube in the microwave called a magnetron generates micro wavelength radiation and interacts with the water molecules in the food which cooks it through steaming.

The water molecules in the food that is being cooked have negative and positive ends and when they are microwaved, they vibrate to their opposite polarities at very high frequencies. The radiation changes the polarity of the molecules in the food millions of times every second and deforms the molecular structure of the food particle. Therefore, microwaves damage the food as a means to heat it.

Due to the radiation from the microwave, the food no longer has the same structure and consequently does not offer the same value to one’s body when eaten. Microwaved food is denatured food which becomes carcinogenic in the body when consumed by people. Microwaving also decreases the body’s ability to use the vitamins and minerals left in the food. Yet, after being cooked in a microwave, there are almost no nutrients left in the food and it is close to the point of decay.

Essentially, microwaving food causes the beneficial properties of the food to become poison. For example, when milk is microwaved the beneficial amino acids, which are known as the building blocks of protein and are an essential part of human nutrition, turn into carcinogens. Another example is when vegetables that are raw, frozen, or previously cooked are heated through microwave radiation, the plant alkaloids are converted into carcinogens.

As a result of the molecular changes that take place in microwaved food, when people consume it they are taking a serious risk with their health. German and Russian researchers concluded that many biological processes are harmfully affected by eating microwaved foods. They believe that digestive disorders, increases of cancer cell formation in the blood, and lymphatic disorders are caused by consuming microwaved foods over extended periods of time.

There is also a term called “microwave sickness,” coined by Robert O. Becker, about the detrimental health effects on humans with high exposures to the radiation from microwaves. The most common symptoms of “microwave sickness” are stress syndrome and high blood pressure. Other common symptoms of “microwave sickness” are headaches, insomnia, immune system disorders, and vision problems, among many others.

Other research indicates that consuming microwaved food causes changes in the blood that can have detrimental health effects on consumers. A controversial and very small study done by Dr. Hans Hertel, a Swiss food scientist, concluded that these changes in the blood after consuming microwaved foods resulted in higher cholesterol levels, decreased white and red blood cells, increased amounts of radiolytic compounds, and lowered hemoglobin levels. These are all conditions which may pose serious risk to the health of an individual.

Using a microwave to defrost, cook, and reheat food is definitely convenient. Yet, doing so wastes money by depleting food of important nutrients and therefore denaturing the food’s essential purpose as fuel for the body. Consuming microwaved food also creates a toxic environment in the body and leaves it not only susceptible to diseases and health problems, but contributes toxins in order to create them. Thus, it is important to have other options for reheating, cooking, and defrosting food rather than using a microwave oven.

Practical Ways to Heat Up Your Food

There are many viable ways in order to avoid microwave use without completely sacrificing convenience when planning meals. An excellent way to ensure that vitamins and minerals in food are left unbroken is to incorporate raw vegetables into meals every day. Minimal processing of vegetables allows the body to access all of the nutrients that it needs from the raw plants. Yet, it is not necessary to eat everything raw in order to keep the integrity of the food intact.

A convection oven or toaster oven can be used to reheat food and both of these are less damaging to foods than microwaves. Defrosting food requires nothing more than removing the food from the freezer and leaving it in a sink full of water for a few hours. Many cultures over the world cook and reheat foods on the stovetop rather than relying on a microwave for convenience.

The most practical ways to lessen the need for a microwave are to plan ahead and to prepare meals that require minimal amounts of cooking! Leaving microwave cooking as a relic of the past will enable better health for those on the planet and will provide a better opportunity for the health of future generations.

About the Author:

Emma Deangela is the best selling author of The Alkaline Diet Program and 80/20 Fat Loss. She has helped over tens of thousands of men and women to lose weight and transform their health with sound nutrition advice.

Which wonderful friends in your life would appreciate this information about Microwave Oven? Are they still keeping one at home?

Monday, August 11, 2014

Hydrate With Watermelons

We’re just a few more weeks away till the weather gets cooler.  But now that it’s still hot outside, having watermelon actually helps the body -

- it’s 92% water, so eating it will help you stay hydrated

- watermelon with seeds is sweeter than without seeds

- having watermelon left at room temperature contains more antioxidants than if it were to be stored in the fridge

- it’s loaded with Vitamin B-6 – which our bodies use to manufacture the mood balancing brain chemical, serotonin and dopamine.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Migraine Reliever

Next time you’ve got a headache, try this drink -

1/2 pineapple

3-4 kale leaves

1 stick of celery

1/2 cucumber

1/4 lemon

1/2 inch ginger root

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